Get ZOOK EML to PST Converter provides a simple method for converting EML files to PST format. It allows users to convert EML to PST format in bulk so that they can import or retrieve EML emails in Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and so on. The software is capable of export multiple EML files to PST format without limitation. It supports EML files from all major email applications, including Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, and Outlook Express.
Convert EML to PST File by following the below steps:
1 Download & install ZOOK EML to PST Converter
2 Click Open> Email Data Files> EML Files or Folders.
3 Ass EML Files and Preview Emails in Different Modes
4 Click Export and Select PST from the multiple saving Options
5 .Now, Set a destination to store PST and Click on save button.
Author : Elinasen
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